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Summer Reading Lists for Junior School Students @ KV


SPH Kemang Village wants our students to learn how to read and develop a passion for reading. The SPH Reading Lists were created and designed to encourage reading a wide range of literature to encourage reading and allow for some individual choice and selection. Our hope is that parents and children will come to know and enjoy some of the best authors and nurture a lifelong love of reading. 


The literature lists were designed with specific objectives in mind.

  • Provide students with guidance and direction as they choose books for independent reading. 
  • Help students, teachers, and parents make intelligent, wise decisions regarding what books students read, enabling them to learn to select books at the right reading level and of appropriate topic and content.
  • Ensure that parents read more good literature themselves and with their children (e.g., reading aloud to children, discussing books that both parent and child read).
  • Provide parents, students, and teachers with a list of the books to accommodate student reading guidance to cultivate interest and build new areas of interest.  

How to Use the Literature List

When using the literature list for your student’s grade level, keep the following features in mind.

  • The books are listed in alphabetical order for convenience in finding titles.
  • There are many books in the grade level. There is also a wide range of titles, to provide more selection in topics and reading levels. It is generally best to choose books from the reading list at your student’s grade level. 
  • Reading levels are provided (when available) to help assist in selecting books. Be mindful that reading levels are approximate and involve language complexity and story content. Reading speed is developed when reading a lower level, thus do not neglect good literature based on the less advanced reading level.

Reading levels are recorded as a decimal. The number to the left of the decimal indicates a grade level. The number to the right of the decimal indicates the number of months into the school year. For example, a reading level of 2.1 means second grade, first month. A reading level of 2.8 means second grade, eighth month. Both reading levels are at a second-grade level; however, one is at an early second-grade reading level, whereas the other is at a late second-grade reading level.

Helpful Suggestions

  • Try to read to and with your child regularly.
  • Have your child read aloud to improve oral reading skills. Focus on pausing at punctuation marks and reading with expression.
  • Have your child “narrate” stories that you are reading together. Read a short passage or chapter and then have your child tell the story in his or her own words. Narration will improve reading comprehension and listening skills.
  • Practice to maintain the handwriting skills the children have worked on this year. Writing their favorite part of the book, letters, keeping a journal, or writing prayer request are handwriting activities with multiple benefits!
  • Ask questions. As you and your child are reading, ask your child questions about the book: “Who are the characters in the story?”  “Where do you think the story takes place?”  “What was your favorite part of the story?”