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Sex Education Resources

Human Sexuality Framework Support Materials

Middle School Suggested Content




Love & Relationships

Rethinking Sex Ed in the Church

  • Short article, good resource for teachers to understand our goal behind conversing about human sexuality and relationships

  • Blog with simple advice for teens about dating

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

  • Focus on the Family PDF including: God’s original intent, Christian Sexual ethic, revisionist gay theology, creation, the destruction of Sodom, the Holiness Code, David and Jonathan, plural marriage in scripture, Jesus, and Paul


Facing the Facts: The Truth about Sex and You (chapters 9-19)

  • “God’s Design for Sex” series
  • Biological and relational instruction for parents/teachers and students

Created by God: Tweens, Faith, and Human Sexuality

  • Walks young teens through puberty and biblical view of sex and relationship. 

Learning about Sex series

  • Age-differentiated books to use with students and prepare teachers/parents for these conversations


Preparing your Son/Daughter for Every Man's/Woman’s Battle (book)

  • Books for parents/teachers to read alone or with their children to help them navigate human sexuality and temptations

  • Practical advice for parents/teachers in helping teens in the temptation to use pornography

  • Practical advice for teens in dealing with the temptation/addiction to porn

What’s the big deal (chapters 8, 9, 12)

  • Pornography wisdom

Axis resources on Pornography

  • Info about what porn is, where to find it, its effects, how to talk to kids about it, how to protect kids from it.


Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World (book)

  • Book for 11- 14 year olds girls
  • Helps teen girls deal honestly and wisely with issues like body image, sex, dating, substance abuse, materialism, perfectionism, and comparison
  • “In this easy-to-read guide, Kristen Hatton takes girls on a step-by-step, hope-filled journey toward understanding who they are, who loves them, and how to live out of that love every day. Face Time is fun-to-read and engaging, using fictional but true-to-life narratives and clear biblical teaching to help girls learn to recognize lies and counter those with truth.”

  • Talking with children about gender and identity

  • Info for parents/teachers regarding transgender identites and responding biblically

Gay Girl, Good God (Jackie Hill Perry)

  • Role of sanctification in identity formation, including sexuality

Living in a Gray World (Preston Sprinkle)

  • Understanding and biblically loving those who are part of the LGBTQ community
  • Written for teens or adults

Embodied (Preston Sprinkle)

  • Transgender identities and what the Bible has to say (good for adult understanding before leading students)

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

  • Focus on the Family PDF including: God’s original intent, Christian Sexual ethic, revisionist gay theology, creation, the destruction of Sodom, the Holiness Code, David and Jonathan, plural marriage in scripture, Jesus, and Paul

Axis resources about body positivity

  • “The body positivity movement attempts to redefine beauty and human worth and has made its way from social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter into our mainstream marketing. But is it the answer that all teenagers who struggle to accept themselves desperately long for? Despite the necessity of this movement, or at least something like it, body positivity is complicated and nuanced—and very worth talking about with your teens.”


  • Advice for parents regarding teen sexting

iSnooping on Your Kid: Parenting in an internet world (R Nicholas Black)

  • Practical suggestions for parents on boundaries for technology use and whose kids have been exposed to pornography

Axis resources on smartphones

  • Discusses how smartphones can be a negative tool and what to do about it

Child Protection

  • Helping teachers/parents think about what needs to be taught regarding child protection online

  • Helping teens who have been hurt by sexual abuse

What’s The Big Deal (chapter 11)

  • “Good touch bad touch” type wisdom


Created by God: Tweens, Faith, and Human Sexuality (book)

  • Walks young teens through puberty and biblical view of sex and relationship