SPH’s vision includes “Godly Character,” which calls for students to be honest in all actions, whether they are in the academic, co-curricular or service fields of our school. Therefore, encouraging students to be truthful in their academic work is integral to our school. Philippians 4:8 states, “. . . whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.”
This is very much in support of the IBO Learner Profile where students who are ‘principled’ are described as acting with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
The responsibility for producing authentic work is shared among the community of learners. However, it must be clear that whenever an individual (or group) authors a work, it must be produced with integrity, by exemplifying the best possible scholarship, including careful research and writing (correct grammar, punctuation, expression and spelling) and the appropriate acknowledgement of all sources. Particular responsibility rests with the subject teacher to ensure that authentic work is understood and modeled. Nevertheless, the student has the final and ultimate responsibility for academic honesty. Students are encouraged to take pride and care in the production of all school work, including writing and presentations.
Any behavior that results in a student gaining an unfair advantage on any assessment component does not conform to academic honesty expectations. The following are what it takes to act with academic honestly.
Any other behavior is called “malpractice”.
Ensuring academic integrity is a shared responsibility between students, parents, teachers and the school.
The Role of Student
Ultimately, the student is responsible that all work submitted is authentic. This includes:
It is the student’s responsibility to engage openly and honestly with the review process if academic misconduct is suspected.
The Role of Parents/Guardians
Parents and guardians play an important role in ensuring academic honesty by:
The Role of the Teacher
All teachers should help to strengthen academic honesty within the school community by providing opportunities for students to practice and learn how to produce work that is academically honest. Some examples include:
The Role of the School
At the beginning of the year the school will ensure that:
Candidates will be notified of the rules for “Conduct of Examinations” prior to exams exam sessions.
SPHLV and the IBO recognize that there are several different types of malpractice. Below each of these are defined, according to the IBO Academic Honesty Guide (2009), with several examples, where appropriate. The examples provided are for explanatory purposes and are not intended to be exhaustive.
A. Plagiarism: the representation of the ideas or work of another person as the candidate’s own
a. Not using quotation marks
b. Not citing the source of information
c. Paraphrasing that is too similar to source
Deliberate versus Accidental Malpractice: Although accidental plagiarism (academic infringement) will attract a less harsh penalty than deliberate plagiarism, nevertheless the penalties are still significant. Students need to ensure they know how to cite works appropriately. Students and teachers should pay careful attention to section 5 of this policy.
B. Collusion: supporting malpractice by another candidate
a. Allowing your work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another candidate
b. Knowingly signing-off on another student’s falsified assessment. For example, fitness test results
Collusion versus Collaboration: Collaboration involves working together with other students. There are occasions where collaboration with other candidates is permitted or actively encouraged. Nevertheless, unless specifically permitted by the teacher for assessments that are not part of the internal assessment for the course, the final work must be produced independently, despite the fact that it may be based on the same or similar data as other candidates in the group. This means that the abstract, introduction, content and conclusions/summary of a piece of work must be written in each candidate’s own words and cannot therefore be the same as another candidate’s.
C. Duplication of Work: the presentation of the same work for different assessment components and/or diploma requirements
D. Any other behavior that gains an unfair advantage which may include but is not limited to
There are four different situations in which referencing is required:
Unless otherwise specified all students should use MLA format for all work submitted. If a different referencing style is preferred, individual subject teachers will provide instruction on which style of referencing to use in their classes.