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Images and Art

Two Questions

If you are using someone else's work in your own; there are two basic questions.

1. Have I acknowledged the work of others?

This helps us decide if we are using academic honesty in our work.

2. Can I use their work in my own?
This helps us decide if we are upholding copyright laws for other people's work.

SPH MYP Academic Honesty Skills Continuum



Grade 7 Expectations

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Create a Bibliography

Create references and citations, use footnotes/endnotes and construct a bibliography according to recognized conventions

Attempts to include an accurate Bibliography using MLA with explicit instruction.

Includes an accurate Bibliography using MLA with some instruction.

Attempts to complete an accurate Works Cited page using MLA with some instruction.

Completes an accurate Works Cited page using MLA with some support.

In-text citation

Indicates page numbers of a novel studied in the appropriate place in an essay with explicit instruction.

Attempts in-text citations with explicit instruction

Uses in-text citation with some instruction

Accurately uses in-text citation with some support.

Using appendices



Attempts to include appendices with explicit instruction

Includes appendices with some instruction

Referencing images and graphs

Understand and implement intellectual property rights

Attempts to reference images with explicit instruction

Accurately references images and graphs with explicit instruction

Understands copyright with respect to images with explicit instruction and accurately references images and graphs with some instruction

Uses images and graphs appropriately and accurately references images and graphs with some support

Quality of sources used

Locate, organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesize and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media

Attempts to evaluate sources using a formula with explicit instruction

Uses a formula to evaluate sources with some instructions, attempts to use other skills to evaluate sources with explicit instruction

Uses a broad range of skills to evaluate sources with some instruction.

Clearly articulates skills for evaluating sources with some support

Use of a range of sources

Seek a range of perspectives from multiple and varied sources

Articulates multiple sources of information for a given task with explicit instruction

Uses multiple sources of information and articulates how the sources give different perspectives on the topic with explicit instruction

Uses multiple sources of information to identify different perspectives of a topic with some instruction

Seeks out multiple sources of information in order to understand a given topic from a range of perspectives with some support.


Search Skills

Evaluate and select info sources & tools: appropriate to specific tasks.

Uses Boolean operators and key words to find relevant information with explicit instruction

Uses further Google search strategies and other search engines with explicit instruction. Uses key words effectively with some support

Uses school databases to locate information with explicit instruction

Articulates fact-checking skills with explicit instruction


Uses school databases for research with some support. Uses Google Scholar with explicit instruction. Is able to demonstrate fact-checking skills with some support


Communication: paraphrase accurately and concisely, take effectively notes in class.

Takes notes using a standard format with explicit instruction.

Writes short paragraphs summarizing ideas from more than one source with explicit instruction

Takes notes using a standard format with some instruction.

Writes paragraphs summarizing ideas from a variety of sources with explicit instruction

Takes notes independently

Writes formal pieces of writing using standard genre conventions summarizing ideas from more than one source with explicit instruction

Takes notes independently

Writes formal pieces of writing using standard genre conventions summarizing ideas from more than one source with some instruction